Weekly Update for 8_21_2015

Mead Middle School Update:


Back To School Night:  


Back to School Night is August 27th.  There is a PAC lemonade social at 5pm.  Mr. Barnett will speak with all parents at 5:45 (Big Gym) and Parents will meet with teachers starting at 6:15.  


How can I find out what is happening in my child’s classes?


Infinite Campus: For Grades and Attendance


Mead Middle School teachers update their class grades and attendance via their Infinite Campus website.  If you have an Infinite Campus account, you are ready to go.  If you do not have an account, please see the office ladies.  You will need a valid ID to pick up your student’s login information.


Schoology: For assignments, homework and class resources


Schoology is coming!  Mead Middle School is moving away from our old google websites for teachers.  This year all St. Vrain Schools are using Schoology as our learning management system (teacher website).  Your child’s assignments and class resources will be located on this site.  You will be able to get your Schoology account information at Back to School Night or by stopping in the office after Back To School Night.  Please make sure you have a valid ID to pick up your account information.  


Student Supervision Hours

All students not participating in a school activity or being directly supervised by an adult may not enter the building before 7:44 and must be out of the building by 3:00.  


Supervision outside before school begins each morning at 7:35.  Supervision outside after school ends at 3:00.


Pay your Fees online!

Go to Rev Trak to pay your fees.


iPad Assistance:

All students have been issued their iPad. We do ask that they update their OS, make sure Find My iPad is turned on and Apps needed for class are installed by Monday. A list of needed Apps were sent home with students. If a student is having issues with their iPad we ask that they fill out this form.  After completing the form they will then be called to the library during the next school day to have the issue resolved. 



Parking Lot Safety:


  1. Drop students off on the curb on the west side of the parking lot. The curve of the parking lot and the eastern straight away is for bus drop-offs and pick ups.

  2. If you are dropping off or picking up a student please pull as far forward a possible in the lane and only drop off/pick up students at the curb. Please don’t “double park” and drop off/pick up students.  

  3. If you are going into the building or need to park for a while, please park in a parking space instead of the drop off/pick up zone.

  4. Please stop at our designated cross walk.

     5.   Finally, please drive slowly and be patient of others.  Don’t let frustration cause a       preventable accident.


Thank you for your help in this matter!



Clubs at Mead Middle School:


The list of clubs for this year is still being finalized.  The complete list of clubs will be updated on the school website today.


Picture Day:


Picture Day is September 3rd.  Packets will be going home with your student shortly before that time.




It is very important when a student is absent from school that the parent /guardian telephone on the morning of the absence (970-535-4446).  If no telephone contact is made on the day of the absence, the parent will need to send a note to the office on the day the student returns stating the reason for the absence.



If a student knows he/she will be absent, the parent/guardian must contact the office.  Failure to prearrange an absence may result in the absence being unexcused.



1. Check Schoology for homework and assignments.

2. Collect any missed worksheets from the designated area in each classroom.

3. See each teacher upon return.



Parents/students should check Schoology for assignments and then e-mail teachers to request work. The office will provide assistance in securing assignment sheets and books.



Students arriving at school late must report to the office for an admit slip before reporting to class.


Code of Conduct:


A signature page for the Code of Conduct and Student Handbook will be sent home in each student’s first day packet. To review the Code of Conduct and Student Handbook before signing the form please visit our website http://mms.stvrain.k12.co.us/ where you will find both listed under the about tab.


iPad Insurance:


The $35 insurance fee has been added to your child’s account and can be paid via RevTrak or at the front office.  In order for your child’s iPad to be covered under the insurance policy the fee needs to be paid by September 11th.  After September 11th the fee will be deleted and insurance will no longer be available.  We do highly encourage every student to carry insurance on their iPad.  Changes to the policy for the 15-16 school year:

  • Loss or theft will be covered at half the cost of the iPad.

  • Second repair will hold a limit of $150 out of pocket charges

  • Insurance will ensure a quicker turn around time for repairs.  

  • Full insurance details can be found here.


1st Day packet:


The following items came home with your student on Thursday.


Student Health & Emergency Information (Must return)   


Pink, Code of Conduct Signature Page (see link for Code of Conduct below) (Must return)


Purple, Parent Permission for Intramural Participation (Must return)


Student handbook is on MMS Website.


Permissions & Attendance Verification (Must return)


Learning Technology Plan Parent & Student Agreement Returning 7th & 8th Graders (Must  return)


Student and Parent iPad Expectations and Commitment


Blue, McKinney Student Residency Questionnaire (Return only if applicable)


Health Insurance Information


Student Accident Insurance Information


Green, Program Eligibility Survey (Return only if applicable)


Grey, Parent volunteer survey (Return only if interested)


Bulldog Den, our Mead Middle School After School Drop-In Program will begin on August 24th!


We are very excited about our second year at Mead Middle School.  Please join us in welcoming our new Enrichment Coordinator, Candido Montijo.  


This drop-in program is in the cafeteria when school ends each afternoon and runs until 6pm.  Students may sign themselves in and out each day and the service is supervised by an Enrichment Coordinator.  This Enrichment Coordinator along with the students will develop the daily schedule for this drop-in program but loosely it would entail:

·         Open & Check-In: 2:50pm

·         Snack: 3:00pm – 3:30pm

·         Homework Time:  3:30pm – 4:00pm

·         Activity: 4:00pm – 6:00pm


Bulldog Den is a positive social setting for students to interact, build friendships and promote community involvement. We offer flexible scheduling for today’s busy families.


Enroll online today at https://stvrain.revtrak.net/tek9.asp?pg=rw_program_reg


If you have enrollment questions contact Martha Clemensen (720-652-8106) or [email protected].


Sex offender lists available to parents

State law (C.R.S 22-1-124) requires that all schools annually notify parents of their rights to access law enforcement agency information concerning registered sex offenders.  You may request this list at the law enforcement office governing your address or the address of the school your children attend.  You must go in person and show proof of residency.  Additional information can be found at the Colorado Bureau of Investigation’s web site at www.sor.state.co.us.


GT Identification:  Search for Students


Each year elementary and middle schools in St. Vrain Valley School District complete a process to identify students in grades 3-8 who demonstrate exceptional ability or performance in one or more academic areas and may therefore qualify for Gifted/Talented educational services.  These students usually perform at least two years above grade level in their strength area(s) and require additional academic challenges in order to support their continued educational growth and progress.  In addition, they usually demonstrate characteristics of unique creativity and high motivation in their strength areas.  The search for gifted/talented students begins with an opportunity for parents and/or teachers to refer students for review.  Once referrals are received, a team of educators reviews student standardized test scores, rating scales and other school data to determine student eligibility. If you believe that your child qualifies and would benefit from district Gifted/Talented services, please contact your school’s Gifted/Talented liaison, Michaela Campbell.


Mead Middle School