Information from Weekly Update 8_12_16

Mead Middle School Weekly Update:

Mead Middle School Families,

Welcome back to another school year.  For some of you Mead Middle School is a familiar place, for others it may be your first experience with middle school. Whatever the case may be, I trust you had a great summer with your family and are ready to start yet another school year.

As always, I want to encourage your child to become involved in some activity at the school.  Mead Middle prides itself in inviting kids to join clubs and sports throughout the year.  We believe that the more students are connected with the school, the better they perform in school.  Please see our school website’s activities link after August 19th for a complete list of clubs.

Finally, I would like to encourage you to attend our back-to-school night on Thursday, August 25th.  Please come early for the PAC Social (5:00-5:45). At 5:45 meet me in the Large Gym for a short introduction.  Starting at 6:10 you will leave to meet with your child’s teacher.   I am very much looking forward to the start of this school year, and I hope to meet you on the 25th.

1st school days of school:

6th grade and new 7th and 8th graders to the building: August 16th

7th and 8th graders that attended Mead Middle School last year: August 17th

When can my child see their schedule?

Schedules can be viewed via Infinite Campus starting on August 12th.  Parents can also find bus schedules on Infinite Campus.  Student’s first class of the day will also be posted outside the building the morning of the first days of school.  Students will receive a paper copy of their schedule in their first class.

How can I find out what is happening in my child’s classes?

Infinite Campus: For Grades and Attendance

Mead Middle School teachers update their class grades and attendance via Infinite Campus (IC).  If you have an IC account, you are ready to go.  If you do not have an account, please see the office ladies.  You will need a valid ID to pick up your student’s login information.  If you cannot stop by the office, please call Micki in the office (970-535-4446) to make arrangements for getting your IC account information.

Schoology: For assignments, homework and class resources

Schoology is Mead Middle School’s learning management system (teacher website).  Your child’s assignments and class resources will be located on this site.  Returning parents and students already have a Schoology account.  Schoology account information will be emailed to you after Back to School Night.  Please make sure your email address is correct in Infinite Campus, as this is the email address we will use.

Student hours in the building:

All students not participating in a school activity or being directly supervised by an adult may not enter the building before 7:43 and must be out of the building by 3:00.  Outside supervision of students starts at 7:35 in the morning.  Students are supervised outside in the afternoon from 2:50 – 3pm.

Pay your Fees online!

Go to Rev Trak to pay your fees.

GT Identification:  Search for Students

Each year elementary and middle schools in St. Vrain Valley School District complete a process to identify students in grades 3-8 who demonstrate exceptional ability or performance in one or more academic areas and may therefore qualify for Gifted/Talented educational services.  These students usually perform at least two years above grade level in their strength area(s) and require additional academic challenges in order to support their continued educational growth and progress.  In addition, they usually demonstrate characteristics of unique creativity and high motivation in their strength areas.  The search for gifted/talented students begins with an opportunity for parents and/or teachers to refer students for review.  Once referrals are received, a team of educators reviews student standardized test scores, rating scales and other school data to determine student eligibility. If you believe that your child qualifies and would benefit from district Gifted/Talented services, please contact your school’s Gifted/Talented liaison, Andrea Koeniger.

Parking Lot Safety:

  1. Drop students off on the West curb. The East side of the parking lot is for bus drop-offs.

  2. If you are dropping off or picking up a student please pull as far forward a possible in the lane and only drop off/pick up students at the curb. Please don’t “double park” and drop off/pick up students. It is  dangerous for students to cross the pick up lane traffic to get to a car on the other side.

  3. The west curb is for “quick” drop offs. If you are going to park for an extended period of time please park in a parking spot.

  4. Please stop at our designated cross walk.

  5. Finally, please drive slowly and be patient of others.  Don’t let frustration cause a preventable  accident.

Picture Day:

Picture Day is September 1st.  Packets will be going home with your student shortly before that time.


It is very important when a student is absent from school that the parent /guardian telephone on the morning of the absence (970-535-4446).  If no telephone contact is made on the day of the absence, the parent will need to send a note to the office on the day the student returns stating the reason for the absence.



If a student knows he/she will be absent, the parent/guardian must contact the office.  Failure to prearrange an absence may result in the absence being unexcused.



1. Check Schoology for homework and assignments.

2. Collect any missed worksheets from the designated area in each classroom.

3. See each teacher upon return.



Parents/students should check Schoology for assignments and then e-mail teachers to request work. The office will provide assistance in securing assignment sheets and books.


Code of Conduct and Student Handbook:

A signature page for the Code of Conduct and Student Handbook will be sent home in each student’s first day packet. To review the Code of Conduct and Student Handbook before signing the form please visit our website: where you will find both listed under the “about” tab.  Please contact the office if you would like a paper copy of either of these documents.

Lunch Money:

You can pay your child’s lunch money online:  Go to

Follow Mr. Barnett on Twitter:


Mead Middle School has a new and active Facebook page.  Please like us on Facebook.

We do collect Box Tops for Education as well as Milk Caps from Longmont Dairy.  Please turn those into the office.

Red Robin Burgers for Better Schools

If you have a Red Robin Royalty Card, you can pick your school and 1% of what you spend at Red Robin will be donated throughout the year to your school!

Mead Middle School PAC News:

Hey Bulldogs,

-Apparel is available for ordering online at You can find a link to our school in the menu.

1st PAC meeting is on September 14th.  Meetings are at 5:30 in the library.  All parents are welcome.

Mead Middle School Drama Department

2016/2017 Musical Production


Please look at the district website for any flyers for sports, fundraisers, etc that are approved by the district.  Here is the link to the flyers.

Bulldogs Den

Bulldogs Den After School Program is now accepting registrations for 2016-17 School Year.  You can register online for this student directed, adult supervised, structured program that supports the school focus with fun, hands on activities.  This program is open daily until 6pm and is a safe place to hang out (especially for our open enrolled students).  The program is affordable at just $10 per day.  Register online at For more information, contact Martha Clemensen at [email protected] or at 720-652-8106.

Please see this flyer for more information.


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Mead Middle School