Principal’s Update

Mead Middle School Families,

Welcome back to another school year.  For some of you Mead Middle School is a familiar place, for others it may be your first experience with middle school. Whatever the case may be, I trust you had a great summer with your family and are ready to start yet another school year.

As always, I want to encourage your child to become involved in some activity at the school.  Mead Middle prides itself in inviting kids to join clubs and sports throughout the year.  We believe that the more students are connected with the school, the better they perform in school.  Please see our school website’s activities link after August 19th for a complete list of clubs.

Finally, I would like to encourage you to attend our back-to-school night on Thursday, August 25th.  Please come early for the PAC Social (5:00-5:45). At 5:45 meet me in the Large Gym for a short introduction.  Starting at 6:10 you will leave to meet with your child’s teacher.   I am very much looking forward to the start of this school year, and I hope to meet you on the 25th.

Joshua Barnett

Mead Middle School

Mead Middle School