Weekly Update 11-21

PLC, Late Start Day, Wednesday Dec 3:

Wednesday, December 3 is a PLC, Late Start Day.  Class will begin at 10:20.

December Late Start Leadership Program: 

Community School now offers a Late Start program at the Middle School.  This month we are featuring the leadership movie Disney’s Maleficent (PG).  The cost for this program is just $5 and our doors open at 7:45am.  We run until school starts on Late Start.  Sign-up sheets are included with this update and are available in the front office.  Sign-up today!

Girls Basketball:

Practice begins December 1.  Sign up form and team information can be found on the Girls Basketball Website.  

iPad Cases:

We have noticed that many students are taking their iPads out of the case, changing cases and/or removing the screen protector.  Please check your child’s iPad to ensure it is in the proper case with the screen protector on.  Purchased insurance plans ONLY cover damage incurred to iPads housed in their original casings.

Cold Weather Reminders:

As the daylight gets shorter and cold weather approaches, it is a good time to remind everybody about a few items that often come up in the winter months. All students not participating in a school activity or working directly with an adult need to be out of the building by 3:00. If your student is at an after school activity, please pick them up promptly as we do not want students waiting in the dark.

We love our students to attend games and dances.  If your student attends these functions, the expectation is that they are sitting in the stands or in the dance area.  Students are not allowed to go outside or roam the building.  If students do go outside, they will be asked either to return to the correct area, or go home.   We simply do not have the manpower to supervise students in those other areas.

Please make sure your students are dressed appropriately for the weather.  If we were to have an emergency evacuation, students may have to leave the building without getting their coats.  This could require your child to be in the cold for an extended period of time.  There is a big difference between waiting in the cold in a long sleeved shirt, pants, and shoes, than a tee shirt, shorts and sandals.

Skyline High School Open House:

Parents and Families: You are invited to an Open House at Skyline High School to learn about all of the Academic Programs that Skyline has to offer, including the STEM and VPA Academies.  It will be held on Monday, December 8th, at 6:00 pm at Skyline High School.  We hope to see you there!


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